
6 ways to test your website’s analytics

6 ways to test your website’s analytics

6 ways to test your website’s analytics

Every business owner knows the importance of monitoring their website analytics. Without them, it would be impossible to determine what is working and what isn’t. Here are 6 different ways you can test your website’s analytics right now:

1. Check your site’s keyword rankings and search volume

Keyword ranking is a metric that lets webmasters know how well their website stands on the internet.  In order to do this, they need to use tools like Google Adwords or Raven Tools’ Web Marketing Toolkit. It will tell them information such as where their keywords rank in relation to other sites across various platforms including blogs, social media networks, and websites – so make sure you stay ahead of the competition by checking up monthly!

2. Determine the number of visitors to your site

Ask how many visitors you are getting? You may find the answer to this question by utilizing a monitoring tool such as Google Analytics, which can be integrated with your website. These tools allow you to track all of your visitor information and provide reports on how successful certain keywords are in generating new traffic for your site while also showing where people drop off after visiting one page or another section of the webpage. In addition, these types of programs will tell you what percentage is returning customers versus first-time visitors who only come once before never coming back again!

3. Track the bounce rate for each page on your website

The bounce rate for your website is a metric that measures how many visitors leave the site after visiting only one page. If you have an unusually high number of bounces, it may indicate to you which pages are least captivating and need improvement. You might want to consider focusing on improving these lower-performing pages so they work well with other content throughout your site in order to keep more users engaged and interested as they browse through different sections of the site.

To measure this statistic, divide 1 by (bounces + visits). For example: if 3 people visit 2 sites before bouncing but 10 people total visited 4 sites before leaving altogether then their average would be .6 or 60%.

4. Analyze your social media engagement metrics

Analyzing your social media engagement metrics can help you learn more about yourself. Do some people love the posts that they see? Who are these influencers in a community and how do they interact with one another? What’s not working, what could be improved upon to increase those likes or shares on each post type? Understanding statistics like this will give you an idea of where to focus next when it comes time for content creation.

5. Review key traffic sources such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc., to see where people are coming from

The major traffic sources of a website are organic search and direct visits. The main source of the site’s visitors is from SEO because it helps to rank high in Google with good content, which leads to more people finding this page through a search engine like google.

Review key traffic sources, like for example My website gets most of its visitors via organic search rankings as well as directly typing in the domain into browsers or bookmarks (direct). This means that there could be some SEO help on how I can better increase my ranking so that even more people may find me when they do an internet search such as by certain keywords relevant to what I write about here on this blog!

6. Look at how many pages a visitor will go through before they leave or convert into a lead/customer

A visitor will go through an average of 3.7 pages before deciding whether or not they are interested in your product, services, and brand enough to convert into a lead/customer.

Visitors are more likely to leave a website if they see too many pages. They need an easy, straightforward way of getting information and converting it into leads or customers without spending hours on your site.


These six tips will help you identify any problems with your website so that you can fix them before they become serious issues.

Your website is your business and it’s important to ensure that you are getting the most out of all its metrics. Whether you need help with branding or want some pointers on how to get started, we have a team of experts ready and waiting for you in our marketing department. Just reach out and say hello! We love working with businesses just like yours.


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