Use email encryption to take charge of and safeguard important information.

By encrypting and preserving the rights of email messages transmitted both inside and outside of your practice, you may help lower the danger of unintentional disclosure.

Why Email Encryption?

Email is one of the most susceptible forms of communication, but it is a vital tool used by people all over the world. In order to defend against wiretapping and man-in-the-middle attacks and stop private or sensitive information from being read by anybody other than the intended receiver, email encryption includes hiding the content of email communications.

Guaranteed Privacy

Prevent unauthorized individuals from intercepting and viewing your private emails when sending them.

Preventing Identity Theft

Due to the information being encrypted, email fraud and the chance of important details falling into the wrong hands are prevented.



Third-party services are less expensive because no new hardware is needed when an email provider already has encryption as part of the bundle.


With 365, email encryption is quick, easy, and user-friendly, saving your staff members important time. Your email is secured with the press of a button, so extra security precautions are not necessary.

Regulation Compliance

A smart place to begin is by using email encryption to protect sensitive information when communicating.

Stops spam and phishing

Hackers typically gain access through spam and phishing emails, which frequently contain viruses. A digital signature that verifies authenticity is included in encrypted emails, letting the recipient know that it is okay to open them.

While securely conversing by email, guard your private information.

Your practice can’t afford to lose important client data via email in the age of GDPR; get in touch with us right now for a free consultation.

Find out how else we can assist

  • Do you want to upgrade to Microsoft 365 or take the next step into the cloud?
  • Use a password management application to eliminate the hassle and security risks associated with managing credentials.
  • With our mobile device management, you can maintain control over your computers, tablets, and smartphones.
  • With our IT Support service, we can relieve you of the bother of managing your IT and communications.

Let's Discuss!

Uncertain about where to begin? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Get in touch with us right away to speak with a local expert who can help you identify your needs and how we can support you.