Logo Design Trends to Look Out For in 2021

We’re seeing new trends emerge as we approach the second quarter of the new year and designers should be aware of them. We want to have a great logo design and closely follow logo design trends. Trends inspire the logo design industry to evolve and grow, establishing the logo designers to innovate to better serve businesses and their customers.

We’ve compiled the logo design trends to look out for in 2021

1. 3D Logo Design

If you like to transform your logo into a modern cutting edge design in 2021, this 3D logo design is a perfect way to add depth to your logo, and depth to your brand. Just adding shades, highlights and shadows can transform it immediately into a 3D effect.3D logo design

2. Paint and Ink Brush Logo Design

Ink or paint brush style drawings bring such as the hand-drawn, focus on detail, focus on quality, from the most complicated hatched lines, with incredible details, to stylized signatures and even more almost graphic images, make you step back and admire. Surely that alone is enough for a logo to be successful. Add in the unlining qualities of this Ink style A fine collection of fine logos, I classy, and head-turning.

Paint and Ink Brush Logo Design

3. Font Logo Design

Font logo design is the design concept of using only your brand name in the logo, but using their own stylized font. Font design is big news and always pushing the boundaries. Combining your brand with this design concept in 2021 is going to be a logo design trend that you will see time and time again. Why? Because a well-designed wordmark does the job, confidently, succinctly and with minimum fuss, it can be used everywhere and on anything and ultimately is remarkably recognizable. And cool, let’s not forget to mention, doing the job is one thing, doing the job whilst dripping with cool is even better. Our selection of logo design trends for 2021 shows you just what we mean.

Font Logo Design

4. Nature-inspired Logo Design

It’s always been a trusted design inspiration for certain nature-associated brands, but this 2021 design trend is going to grow and take over like the weeds in your garden after a rainy spell. Nature-inspired logo design to give you a sense of calm and harmony, a very much needed breath of fresh air, a sense of new growth and new beginnings. Could ever a design concept be more appropriate? Take a stroll through the woodland of examples below and smile.

Nature-inspired Logo Design

5. Black and White Classic Logo Design

Classic black & white design never ever goes away and really why should it. If you keep backing winners, you don’t change strategy. Direct and classy yet still moving forward with contemporary cool effects. A big player in 2021 logo design trends will be the minimum fuss/maximum impact style of this daddy of design, giving a brilliant canvas to experiment with other newer styles and techniques such as animation and 3D.  Our collection of hot cool designs paves the way.

Black and White Classic Logo Design

6. Gradient Colors Logo Design

Vivid, bright, garish, bold, and brassy – crazy colors and crazy color combinations are a sure-fire way for a logo to make the instant impact desired and this 2021 logo design trend pulls no punches in that respect. One way to stand out from the crowd is by blowing away the cobwebs of the old color standards and going wild. These examples will make you head for your sunglasses. Perfect for transforming a tired old logo and establishing a new one.

Gradient Colors Logo Design

7. Stickers and Character Logo Design

A top tip for 2021 logo design is to include a character or mascot. Using the latest techniques and styles designers are becoming more and more imaginative in the creation of such characters, we are no longer talking about a 2D cuddly bear. The bonus is the personification of a brand, the relatability to the audience, and the increased flexibility for using your character. The usual posters, signage, static advertising are fine, but the move into animation, advertising videos, micro-animation, social media, etc are opening up more and more opportunities for the multi-purpose, multi-dimensional use of your logo. To see exactly what can be done check out the following super-smart character creations.

Stickers and Character Logo Design

8. Monotone and Glitch Logo Design

There’s no denying that not everything has gone as expected recently. This 2021 design trend doesn’t ignore the fact that things are chaotic and the usual rules don’t apply, in fact, it embraces it. This glitch trend takes all the usual rules and guidelines of logo design and throws them out of the window. The result is something new, daring, slightly disturbing, and very special. It won’t work for every business but who cares? It will work for enough and it will work amazingly well.  Dive into this crazy ocean of creativity and be pulled by the tides of new design ideas.

Monotone and Glitch Logo Design

9. Animated Logo

The use of animation and especially micro-animation on websites will be a design trend in 2021, so it seems logical to animate your logo on your site. To be sure, animations draw the eye and hold the interest so what could be better or more appropriate for logo design. This is a design trend that shows your logo is up-to-date and moving in the right direction in more ways than one. For some great inspiration check out these beauties.

Animated Logo


The second quarter of 2021 is looming on the horizon. No one knows what to expect, but one thing is for sure, the ones that succeed will be the ones that adapt and embrace the change. True for businesses and true for design. This carefully collected and collated selection of absolutely extraordinary logo designs perfectly illustrates the trends that will run long into the future, you can be with them or you can be left behind.



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